IPCSA: ‘family values’ for Single Window Operators
Money can’t buy friendship, but friendship can certainly deliver value! That’s the clear message from a discussion with Youssef Ahouzi, interim CEO and CIO of PORTNET S.A. about the benefits of belonging to the International Port Community Systems Association (IPCSA). The Moroccan National Single Window, PortNet has been an enthusiastic and proactive member of IPCSA […]

“SMART PORT CHALLENGE”, the 1st Hackathon dedicated to innovation in the port sector in Morocco
As part of their ongoing efforts to promote a culture of collaborative innovation in the port sector, the National Ports Agency (ANP) and the PORTNET National Single Window in partnership with the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation and stakeholders in the port community announce the launch of the first edition of the Hackathon Smart Port […]